Web Application Penetration Testing – HTTP Protocol

Web Application Penetration Testing – HTTP Protocol
HTTP Request and HTTP Response Headers

You can’t start web application penetration testing without studying the protocol that makes it happen, HTTP or its secure version HTTPS. So, What is HTTP Protocol ? HyperText Transfer Protocol, client-server protocol used to transfer web pages and web application data. The client and the server exchange messages [Clients Requests, server Responses] Web Clients: normally

Penetration Testing Process

Penetration Testing Process
Penetration Testing

Penetration test is a complex, cyclical process of both identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in a system.The ultimate goal is to identify and assess the client organization’s risk of exposure. Penetration Testing Process Phases For simplicity, we can segment the penetration testing process into three phases:  Pre-engagement During the Pre-engagement phase, the penetration tester and the

How to install Arch Linux on VMware

How to install Arch Linux on VMware
How to install arch linux

How to install Arch Linux on VMware is a critical question for people who are new to Linux or Arch Linux Distribution. Arch Linux is a simple , lightweight Linux distribution , even it is beautiful , it doesn’t have installer to setup easily.

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Download Comptia Server+ SK0-004 Series Free
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Searching for a server-related certification? CompTIA Server+ is a great start. Our Server+ series aligns with the exam objectives and even adds onto them, providing you with valuable information that can further your career.

Kali linux crunch password lists generator

Kali linux crunch password lists generator
kali linux crunch password list generator

If you try to hack by brute forcing attack on password to login, or try to crack passwords hashes, you will need a good password list that fit your situation based on information you gathered about the target.