Vulnhub Hackme Walkthrough

Vulnhub Hackme Walkthrough
vulnhub hackme

Vulnhub hackme walkthrough or writeup for an easy machine, step by step you will do the following: Download and run in VMWare workstation, identify the machine IP Scan the running services Web Enumeration and SQL Injection Exploit Get reverse shell Root the machine 1- Scanning nmap -A -p- -oX hackme.xml -A aggressive scan ,

Penetration Testing Process

Penetration Testing Process
Penetration Testing

Penetration test is a complex, cyclical process of both identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in a system.The ultimate goal is to identify and assess the client organization’s risk of exposure. Penetration Testing Process Phases For simplicity, we can segment the penetration testing process into three phases:  Pre-engagement During the Pre-engagement phase, the penetration tester and the